Saturday, December 10, 2011

Lynnderella - Bottle Spam Edition II

Thanks to my friends, I've now got my grubby paws on Lynnderella's Funny Money and Holiday Houseguests Collection.

Here I've got both bottle pics and nail wheel swatches. The same as Bottle Spam Edition I which includes the First Edition and Early Halloween collections.

I've left the pictures very very big if you want to click through for much more detail.

Funny Money

 Two coats of Attitude Adjust-Mint over mint (ChG Re-fresh Mint)

 One coat of Lucky Numbers over white (Misa Heaven White)

 One coat of Change over purple (Ulta3 Spring Break)

 Two coats of Mysterious Ways over grey (American Apparel Factory Grey)

 Two coats of I Can Afford It! over green (Ulta3 Frog Prince)

 Two coats of Thank Blue! over teal (DtW DJ Mix)

 Two coats of Funny Money over dark green (DtW Enchanted Forest)

Holiday Houseguests

 Two coats of Happy Holo Daze! over black (BYS Black Satin)

 Two coats of One Nutty Fruitcake over pale blue (Precision On Cloud 9)

Gorgeous right? All my Lynns belong in my Special helmer drawer - the one I'd grab if (God forbid) there was some kind of emergency.

For more information please check Lynnderella's blog. Lynn's next store opening will be sometime next year in January. Llarowe is now carrying Lynns as well although she is currently sold out.

I am working on swatches of these. Bear with me while my lazy ass tries not to sit around procrastinating all day instead :D