Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Anna Sui 101 and Dare To Wear Techno Beat

I love layering glitters over black. That's usually just the way I prefer to wear them. I'm not sure why.. I think it's because the black base gives the glitter some nice contrast and that way, I can see the individual glitters better. I really like the fine details on things :)

Anna Sui... good god. Not only do they come in the most beautiful and elegant rose bottles, they smell like roses! Talk about making your way into a girls' heart <3

One coat over black

There's so much going on in this polish that my camera wouldn't focus properly to pick up the details. Sorry! 101 is basically lots of small green and electric blue iridescent glitter and also big round blue glitters in a sheer blue base. You don't see those large, round glitters very often. Anna Sui seems to have it in a few of their glitters though.

OK.. now for the Dare To Wear. Here is Techno Beat.

Techno Beat is from Dare To Wear's Disco Tech Glitter Collection and might I just point out, is one of the most awesome collections ever! The whole collection has some of the best glitters ever made. Seriously.

Take a look..

Amazing right? Right?? HOLY SHIZNITS! That is only one coat over black. That is how dense the glitters are in these. Techno Beat is pink holographic glitter in small and large hexes as well as bar glitter all in a sheer pink base. The others in the collection are the same but in different colours.

I took a macro of this one as well.

Pure. WIN.